Daily Weapons against Negativity

We all need our weapons to help us fight off the negative things surrounding us or even within us. By weapons, I mean good habits or actions that kill off the stress and negativity.

As daily warriors of life, we all need our weapons to help us fight off the negative things surrounding us or even within us. By weapons, I mean good habits or actions that kill off the stress and negativity.

In my future posts, I’ll be exploring these good habits like getting enough sleep and exercise, finding a hobby, traveling… but for now here are some of my daily weapons that I would like to share with you.


If you are going through a lot of stress or overthinking, it could be difficult to focus. Having racing thoughts could get overwhelming. Meditation is a good way to relax and just pull yourself together. 

Here’s a sample video that I use to focus:

Count your blessings.

“All stress begins with one negative thought.” – Rhonda Byrne

Bliss is a great way to list down things you are grateful for on any given day. When you feel down, you can just browse what you wrote and remember all the good things. Replace those negative thoughts with reminders that life isn’t that bad. 🙂


Listen to music.

“I think music in itself is healing. It’s an explosive expression of humanity. It’s something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we’re from, everyone loves music.” – Billy Joel

When you’re feeling down, listening to good music can uplift your soul. We all prefer different genres, but music speaks to the deepest parts of our being. It can refresh and relax us. It can make us dance, laugh, or cry. Music is therapeutic.

If you are not convinced, you can check this article on how music keeps us healthy, strengthens the heart, improves sleep, boosts our immune system, and reduces depression and anxiety.

Keep a mood chart.

You can use the chart to look back and actually see what triggered specific emotions. You can then reinforce the positive moods by continuing the activities which result in a “Happy” mood, and avoid the things that set a negative mood. You can use a journal or any mood apps.

I use Daylio for this. Personally, I think it’s the best  mood chart app. It also serves as a journal. You can edit the moods and activities, and it has a reminder you can set on your device. It’s almost like a friend that checks up on you from time to time.




Talk it out.

It really helps when you can share your burdens with someone you trust. We cannot go through our lives alone. We need each other. 

If you don’t want to share what you’re going through with family or friends, there are online support groups where you can have encouragement from counselors, people going through the same things as you are, or just someone willing to listen.

You can check out the following sites:

Note: If you have been feeling depressed for a long period of time and have thoughts of self-harm, please do seek professional help.


As a Christian, I cling to God above all else. He is my Savior, my best friend, my Father. I talk to him as much as I can, and breathe out my innermost thoughts when I am at my darkest. He knows every one of us, so there’s no sense in hiding what we’re thinking or who we are to Him. I tell him about the pain, frustrations, regrets, mistakes. Everything.

I’ve been through a lot since my childhood, and I know for sure that He has always been there for me… and He always will be.


Hi there, Daily Warrior! 
I’ll be honest with you. I don’t have it all figured out. I mean, who really does anyway? This blog is actually like a big reminder for me to keep track of all the positive things in life, and I think it would also be beneficial to everyone else who may be going through hardships of their own.
The last thing someone going through emotional turmoil would want to hear is “Snap out of it!” and that is not what this is about. This is about protecting ourselves from negativity by taking action. It takes A LOT of effort to do good things that would make us feel better when we feel down in the dumps, but IT IS POSSIBLE.
It’s really a daily decision to get up and keep going. The thing is, I’m trying my best. The fact that you’re reading this right now tells me that you are doing your best too. Keep going.
As someone who is overcoming negative emotions on a daily basis, I’m really excited to share my journey with you all. Please feel free to share your daily weapons against negativity as well. You can write it in the comments section.
I KNOW we can do this. Stay strong!  ❤


Responses to “Daily Weapons against Negativity”

  1. Sab

    Hi Liz,

    love this post. 🙂 hihi.

    -Another Sab

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Liz C.

      Thanks, Sab! What’s your favorite daily weapon?


      1. Sab

        Does the fact that I am not ready to die just yet count as one?

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Liz C.

          How does it help you fight off negativity?


  2. Ms. SG41

    All great tips. To help with my anxiety disorder I must get 8+ hours of sleep a night, I also exercise, meditate, eat well, and use a thought journal. I sometimes drink a bit too much wine, but hey — I’m only human. 😉 Awesome post.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Liz C.

      Wow! I’m sure it takes a lot of discipline to maintain doing all those things… Thanks for sharing all your daily weapons with us!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Lana_SHON

    Really great! Thanks!


  4. Benjamin Ngiam

    Tried to find the app but couldn’t find it lol I think it’s not available in Singapore

    Anywho, good list here bud. Personally, I sometimes watch videos that inspires me when I feel really down. But one of the most important thing one can do to help is to exercise!

    Makes you feel better and definitely helps in the energy level too 😉

    Your pal,

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Liz C.

      Good tip about the exercise. I did notice that after jogging, the mood lightens up a lot. I also like watching animated films ’cause those are usually feel good movies. Haha!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Benjamin Ngiam

        Exercise releases dopamine and some other chemicals which makes us feel the awesome feelings we do after working out, much like how we’d feel each time after queing in line to buy and finally eat our favorite food while we’re hungry lol!

        Yes, animated work are superb- Especially those that teaches us stuff about life as well lol! It’s amazing sometimes how fictional work can teach us life lessons which we normally wouldn’t have if we don’t even get exposed to them.

        Gotta love story telling and the different mediums that enables it hah!

        Your pal,

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Liz C.

          What’s your favorite feel good movie? I used to watch Madagascar, Tangled, Kung Fu Panda. HAHA! (yes, I’m a kid inside this adult body) T_T

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Benjamin Ngiam

            Ooooh Tangled was cool! Panda is silly fun though I’ve never really seen Madagascar lol couldn’t get into it when I saw it on TV.

            In the past, it’d be any Disney movies but I don’t really have any feel good movies anymore..

            If you talk about video games or TV/Cartoon series though, I can name a few. Yes, sort of a kid inside adult body too lol.

            Tv series- Off the top of my mind I’ve got FRIENDS, HIMYM, Supernatural, Running Man (Korean Variety Show, stopped watching already though) Mind Your Language.

            Mind Your Language is a classic British comedy that’s seriously a must watch if you haven’t seen nor heard of it!

            Cartoon wise, I watch stuff like Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, We Bare Bears and 2 of my favorites since god knows when, Family Guy & South Park XD

            Do you know any of these??

            Your pal,

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Liz C.

              Friends and HIMYM is ❤ ❤ ❤

              I also watched Gravity Falls. Right now, I watch Futurama during my free time.

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Benjamin Ngiam

                Ooooh Futurama! I used to watch it a lot as well- Gotta love Bender and Fry’s shenanigans hahaha!

                Sometimes I just want to punch the professor’s face though >_>

                Have you heard btw, they are opening a Central Perk in Singapore?

                As one of FRIENDS mega fans, I’m really looking forward to that 😀

                Your pal,


  5. Ajibola Sunday

    That’s a great post and I love it; keep up the good works. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  6. David Snape
  7. livestrongourstory

    Really good post, thank you. Most of what you say are the reasons I am out here. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Liz C.

      Thank you so much. I try to keep these things in mind myself.. haha


  8. Life Lessons from 2016 – Stay Strong, Daily Warrior!

    […] blog has been an enormous blessing to me. As I wrote tips and advise on fighting the daily emotional and mental battles we go through, I was learning to cope with it […]


  9. Light Ministry Blog

    Great points here, Liz! I believe that as we grow and mature in Christ, we come to look to Him first in prayer and meditation. Think of the hope we as believers have in Christ Jesus. Pray away the anxieties, put them behind us, and press on with the day trusting in God to be with us…

    Thank you for sharing this post!


    Liked by 2 people

  10. PixieGloLife

    Reblogged this on Proactive Self-Help Made Easy and commented:
    Many thanks to Liz G for your great for your generosity and caring. I’ll spread your message…by sharing this post. Love it!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Constance A. Buckley

    I try to find a Scripture that fits the negative emotion to defuse it. When I’m afraid I say out loud, “God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind,” 2 Timothy 1:7.
    When I’m feeling overwhelmed I’ll say, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,” Phil. 4:13. I was saying that one day and my 8 year old grandson sighed, “Grandma, you say that all the time.”
    “I do?”
    Thanks for this blog. Thanks for liking the post, “Working,” at my site. God bless!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Liz C.

      That’s actually a good weapon and those are good verses. Jesus used Scripture in the desert, so it reminds me of that.


  12. Elizabeth

    Music is an amazing thing and really can alter one’s mood. I totally agree with Billy Joel (and you) on this! And I had no idea they had apps for tracking moods! Of course if I mention it to my sons they’ll tell me they’ve had them for months! Prayer is always a great way to talk things out with the One who really loves us. But friends are good to talk with too.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Favorite Blog Posts 2016 – Stay Strong, Daily Warrior!

    […] entire year Share Your Happiness – my blog’s happy corner where you can all contribute Daily Weapons Against Negativity – things I always use to fight bad thoughts Keep going, Daily Warrior! – a reminder […]


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