VOTW #13: Peace from God

When we let go, we realize that God has been with us all along.

As a young adult living independently, I’ve been feeling the burden of responsibilities in the recent years. Even as I spend on my hobbies or travels, I always need to make sure that I prioritize rent, electricity, water, transportation and food.

It can get worrisome at times, so I make sure to work hard. I keep on working until I get too busy for my social and even spiritual life. Has this ever happened to you? 

There are times when we try to control our own lives, and push ourselves too much. When we let go, we realize that God has been with us all along.

Today, I am reminded that God will always take care of me. After all, how many times has He provided for my needs already? Sometimes, help comes along when I least expect it. I still need to work hard to earn enough for my needs, but I shouldn’t sacrifice my relationship with others, especially with God.

At the same time, we may be overwhelmed with emotional burdens or issues around us. It frustrates us, even causing sleepless nights sometimes. We need to learn which things we can control and what’s beyond that.

We can only do so much. We should do what’s within our capability, and leave the rest to God.

As we bring all our anxiety and worry up to Him in prayer, we will receive a sense of peace that’s unbelievably comforting despite any circumstance.


Verse about Peace Verse of the Week


1. Is there something that’s been bothering you lately?
2. Have you talked to God about it?
3. Take some time to reflect on what you can do, and lift all your anxiety to God in prayer.


P.S. I made a Daily Warriors Meditation Music playlist on YouTube today, and I hope that you can use it for your reflections or devotionals. You can also use it as a lullaby. It’s so relaxing.






Verse of the Week

Daily Warriors Meditation Music


Responses to “VOTW #13: Peace from God”

  1. Andrei

    “As we bring all our anxiety and worry up to Him in prayer, we will receive a sense of peace that’s unbelievably comforting despite any circumstance.” I agree.
    Thanks for sharing Liz.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. @vapor_sage

    Yes I often, forget to slow down and enjoy my blessings and to notice the little miracles that occur everyday


    1. Liz C.

      Same here. We need to take some time off to reflect though..

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Lone Wolf Breathes

    This is a very mature post by a young lady. If we take everything to God he will remind us what we need to do. Psalm 91 is my favourite reminder.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Liz C.

      Thank you, Stephen. I rarely think of myself as mature.. so I appreciate that. Haha.

      Psalm 91 is a beautiful reminder that God is always with us.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. inhisgrip4ever

    This is so timely for me to read. Today, I had a small panic attack about not having enough money for rent, food, and gas. It’s scary, but this reminds me that God is Jehovah Jireh, the Lord that provides! Thank you for the encouragement!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Liz C.

      I’m glad that it helped you, Jenny. I get what you mean.. sometimes, it just gets so overwhelming. I need to take a step back and ask myself, “Who is in control?” Then it helps calm me, because we are in His hands.


  5. inhisgrip4ever

    One thing that has definitely helped me is getting in the word daily. Without that intimate time with God, all of the worry just floods through my veins! I actually just recently published a 30 Day Devotional called “Fresh Fruits” to help others get into a daily habit of spending time with the Lord! I attached the link if you wanted to check it out! https://www.createspace.com/6070917

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Liz C.

      That’s amazing! I’ll check it out. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. inhisgrip4ever

        Thank you!


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