Habitica: A Game for Chores

Good habits are worth being fanatical about. – John Irving

Good habits are worth being fanatical about. – John Irving


Aside from my 3 major goals this year, I wanted to get used to better habits. For this reason, I decided to use Habitica again. I started using it with some friends last year, but I got too preoccupied when my brother got hospitalized.

You’re probably wondering what Habitica is.

Habitica is a game to help you improve real life habits. It “gamifies” your life by turning all your tasks (Habits, Dailies, and To-Dos) into little monsters you have to conquer. The better you are at this, the more you progress in the game. (Source)

On a browser, it looks like this:



You can set your tasks/chores into different categories:

Habits – Doing a positive (+) habit adds points, and negative (-) habits make you lose points.

Dailies – You can set tasks to do daily (or at set intervals like every other day or nth day). If you fail to check off the task, you lose some points.

To-Dos – You can put one-time tasks/chores here like buying a gift for your mother.

Rewards – When you complete a task, you earn coins which you can use to buy these rewards for yourself. 


If you need to take some time off the daily routine, you can rest in the Tavern. When your character is here, any tasks that are undone will not affect your stats.



I put sketching as a Habit (as I’m not sure I could do it daily yet). However, I put in Savings in the Dailies category. This is because I vow to save a small amount per day, that is aside from the bi-weekly savings I put aside from my salary.

This would help me build habits and a routine in a fun way.

If you’re into gaming, this would be the perfect program/app for you. I use it to create a positive mindset to finish chores. You can get motivated with getting those points, health, and coins.

You get all these perks like eggs to hatch into the pets and mounts as you accomplish more tasks. Quests/Challenges can also be done with friends, so you have accountability. When you go on a quest, you should do all your Dailies for a period of time to defeat the Monster (of chores).

My character is named TruthSeeker. I’m mounted on a Royal Purple Gryphon and I have a pet red dragon. Also, I have a sleeping black cat on my head.  🙂




You can download the Habitica app to use it conveniently from your phone:


P.S. This isn’t an ad. I just like the app, and thought I would share it. If this helps someone else to have fun doing their chores.. that would be great. 🙂

What about you? Have you taken some steps to move forward with your goals for this year? Do you use an app to help you with your tasks? Share it with me in the comments. 🙂




Responses to “Habitica: A Game for Chores”

  1. aestheticgraphy

    Wow this is really nice actually. I would surely try it out

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Liz C.

      Tell me how it goes. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Elizabeth

    I’d never heard of Habitica but I’m going to download it on my phone right now! What a great game! I need to get back into my routine and this game will make it a lot more fun! Thanks for sharing!


    1. Liz C.

      Cool. You can just try it out, and ditch it if you don’t really like. (lol) Although you might enjoy it, I think.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Elizabeth

        I really think I will!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. TheOriginalPhoenix

    This sounds like a really awesome app! I’m working on my new year’s resolution to fix my relationships with my brother and mum and succeeding!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Liz C.

      That sounds good. Restoring relationships, especially with family, can be a bit of hard work.. but it only needs your persistence, love, and goodness of the heart. I think you have these.. so I think you will be fine.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. TheOriginalPhoenix

        Thank you for the reassuring words. I’m doing my best. 😊

        Liked by 2 people

  4. Andrei

    What a fun way to be on top with your routines and chores! 🙂
    BTW: I’ve responded on your nomination for The Lovely Blog Award. I’m sorry it took me this long to respond to it. Just as I promised before that I will respond to it, so here it is! 🙂 Thanks Liz!
    Feel free to check it out: https://viewpointsofandrei.com/2017/01/18/one-lovely-blog-award

    Liked by 2 people

  5. scatterednotebooks

    Giving this a try – thanks for the suggestion.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. darth elmo

    whoa! revisiting this blog after a very long time, i’ve found just the thing i needed to see here ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Liz C.

      Haha! That’s good to know. 😉


  7. Benjamin Ngiam

    Hey I just started using this app few weeks ago lol! It’s definitely keeping me in track like no other “Daily Habit / To-do” app has!!

    Amazing application. Are you still using it? If so, wanna be in a party? 🙂

    Your pal,


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