Celebrate Your Achievements

Before the year ends, let’s take the time to remember our achievements for the year 2016.

Before the year ends, let’s take the time to remember our achievements for the year 2016.

I’m sure we’ve had our ideas on how our year was going to be last January, and we had goals set for this year. Some of us may have succeeded in achieving those goals, while others may have been led to a different set of goals along the way.

Zig Ziglar once said, “What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.”

Here are some of what I consider as my achievements for 2016:

1. Enrolling in graduate studies

I’m currently taking up my masters in Guidance and Counseling. This is something I’ve been putting off for so long. It will really help me in my career and personal growth, so I’m proud of myself for actually doing it this time.


2. Getting my brother out of the hospital

In my previous post Life Lessons from 2016, I talked about how I had to organize fundraising events for my brother. He had a heart attack this year, and it was really such a challenge. I can’t begin to describe the things I’ve been through to survive that trial in our lives, but we made it. He’s now doing well, and he’s working again.


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3. Going mountain climbing

Recently, I went to Masungi Georeserve with my aunt, sister, and cousins. It took me a lot of courage to go through the trail and up the mountains, so I seriously consider it as one of my major achievements this year.


4. Keeping this blog active

I actually started this blog last July, but there wasn’t much activity on it before. I didn’t want it to be like my other online accounts that I start and just forget along the way. I began to REALLY think about its identity, which is closely related to mine. When I realized what I wanted to do with it, the rest was history.

As I write this post, my blog currently has 426 followers. Most of which I’ve gained since October (I had like 10 followers before then). It’s not about the numbers though, I also want to really get to know the people behind the posts. When I became active in the Community Pool, I became more engaged with the blogging community. I wrote about it in Blogging Tips for Beginners.

Keeping this blog active is one of the best decisions I’ve made this year. I gained real connections with people I met here. There’s something just so amazing with this community, and I don’t plan to leave anytime soon.

5. Gaining confidence in being more of myself

I was such a people-pleaser in the past. I frequently get conscious and insecure about what other people would think of me. I’m also one of those people who have a hard time saying “No”. This year, I noticed that I am becoming more true to who I really am. I am learning to put myself first.

I realized that I shouldn’t have an issue with things I like or don’t like. I could be whoever I wanted to be, be true about how I feel, be with who I want, and pursue my own dreams and passions.That’s something that I’m proud of.

The path to personal development is not a one-day overhaul, but a day to day process.

So… Hi! This is me. I’m a work in progress, and I’m glad to have you all with me in this journey. I seriously love you guys. ❤



Share your achievements for this year in the comments or post about it and create a pingback! I’d also love to hear about them.


A December to Remember


Responses to “Celebrate Your Achievements”

  1. leadership2mommyship

    Liz your achievements are wonderful, mostly because they are yours! Congratulations! I have to agree with you I enjoy the blogging community as well, and it’s nice to hear so many different perspectives on life, not to mention foods, and beautiful photography. Best wishes next year! And enjoy your pursuit in your Masters!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Liz C.

      Thank you so much for the support, Sharon. I hope you had a happy holidays with your kids.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. leadership2mommyship

        Yes we did thank you!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. remembertheprisonersblog

    Congratulations on all of these wonderful achievements! And thank you for reminding us to build on what we have done in order to push ourselves to the next level of success!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. TheOriginalPhoenix

    Oh my gosh all of these are such amazing accomplishments especially getting your brother out of the hospital! My heart and soul just melted into a puddle when I read that. You’re an amazing amazing sister to do that for him and that just has to be the coolest thing I’ve seen a sister do for her brother. Congratulations on being more true to yourself and all the other wonderful things you’re doing. Keep it up!


    1. Liz C.

      Thank you. It was really difficult. You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have. I really appreciate that you take the time to read my posts.


      1. TheOriginalPhoenix

        You’re welcome and that’s very true! The pleasure is all mine, I truly enjoy your blog 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Liz C.

          Thank you. I love your name btw. Jasminder. ❤


          1. TheOriginalPhoenix

            You’re welcome! Thank you! It means “lord of glory.”

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Liz C.

              Cool. Now I love it even more. I like knowing the meanings behind a name. Thanks for sharing.


              1. TheOriginalPhoenix

                You’re welcome!

                Liked by 1 person

  4. Andrei

    “This year I’ve noticed that I’m becoming true to myself…” – my heart immediately skipped a beat and immediately grew warm reading this emphasized line from your post! You’ve obviously done awesome things this year and thru those you’ve also evolved into a much better and stronger person. Keep on going and growing Elizabeth! Never ever stop inspiring others, especially yourself. 🙂✨
    Wish you all the best!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Liz C.

      Thank you Andrei.. Good to hear from you. Hope you’re doing well.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Andrei

        All good here 🙂 Thank you, Liz!

        Liked by 1 person

  5. watchingthedaisies

    Congratulations. Wishing you a great 2017. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Liz C.

      Thank you Brigid! I wish the same for you. Happy holidays!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Jirah Merizz

    Congratulations on your achievements, ate Liz! It was overwhelming to read it especially no. 2. God really works in mysterious ways! Wishing you a great great 2017 💖


    1. Liz C.

      Thank you. With all the reflections I’m doing, I suddenly feel like so many things happened in my life this year. Haha!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. aestheticgraphy

    Congrats on the achievements and you’re so pretty!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Liz C.

      Aww! *blush* haha

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Path: Boats | What's (in) the picture?

    […] Celebrate Your Achievements – Stay Strong, Daily Warrior! […]


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